waman yatihi mu'minan qad ʿamila l-ṣāliḥāti fa-ulāika lahumu l-darajātu l-ʿul
But whoever comes to Him (as) a believer verily, he has done the righteous deeds, then those for them (will be) the ranks, [the] high.
whereas he who shall appear before Him as a believer who has done righteous deeds - it is such that shall have lofty stations [in the life to come]
But whoso cometh unto Him a believer, having done good works, for such are the high stations
But such as come to Him as Believers who have worked righteous deeds,- for them are ranks exalted,
But whoever comes to Him as a believer, having done good, they will have the highest ranks:
But whoever comes to Him as a believer, having done righteous deeds, will be the highest ranks and
But he who comes to Him as a believer, having done good deeds, shall be exalted to the highest ranks
And whoever comes to Him a believer (and) he has done good deeds indeed, these it is who shall have the high ranks
And whoever approaches Him as one who believes, who, surely, did as the one in accord with morality, then, for those, they are of lofty degrees,
Whoever comes to Him as a believer has performed honorable deeds; those will have the highest ranks,
But whoever will come to Him as a believer and has done righteous deeds, for such are the high ranks,
But whosoever comes unto Him as a believer, having performed righteous deeds, theirs shall be the highest ranks
But whoever comes before Him as a believer, having performed righteous deeds—those will attain the highest stages.
But whoever comes to Him a believer, having worked righteousness—these will have the highest ranks
And whoever comes to Him as a Believer (and) indeed has performed righteous deeds, then those people: for them are (reserved) high ranks —
While he who will come to Him as a believer and has done good deeds shall have the highest rank
And whoever comes up to Him a believer, having already done deeds of righteousness, then those, for them are the exalted degrees
One who comes into the presence of his Lord with faith and righteous deed
And whoever will come to Him as believer, having done righteous deeds, for such people there are the highest ranks
Whereas he who appears before Him as a believer who had been doing good to others, such people will have lofty ranks
The exalted ranks are for those who come to their Lord as believers, having done righteous deeds
But those who come to Him as believers who have worked righteous deeds— For them are supreme ranks—
But whoever comes to Him as a believer having done righteous deeds - for those will be the highest degrees [in position]
And he who comes to Him as a believer doing good works, for those will be the highest ranks.
But those who return to their Lord as believers with righteous deeds will be rewarded with the highest of ranks
And whosoever cometh unto Him as a believer, and he hath done righteous works---then these! for them are ranks high
But whoever comes before Him a believer having done good deeds, will be raised to higher stations -
But as for those who come to Him as muminun, having done right actions, they will have the highest ranks:
Whereas he who comes before Him as a believer who did good, righteous deeds, for such are high ranks and lofty stations –
But whoever comes to Him with faith and he has done righteous deeds, for such shall be the highest rank
But he who comes to Him a believer who has done right, for them are the highest ranks
And anyone who comes to Him as a believer who has done good then they will have high ranks (and status).
But those who come to Him as believers who have worked righteous deeds, for them are ranks exalted
On the other hand, whoever comes to Him believing and doing righteous deeds, they shall have a lofty place.
But he who comes to Him with faith and righteous works shall be exalted to high ranks
And he who comes to Him as a believer doing good works, for those will be the highest ranks.
And whoever comes to Him as a believer with righteous deeds to his credit, he shall be among those who shall enjoy high ranks
And he who comes to his Lord as a believer having done good deeds, for such are the high ranks.
As for those who come to Him as believers who had led a righteous life, they attain the high ranks.
But for whosoever comes before Him as a believer and having done good works there awaits the most highest degree
And whoso comes to Him a believer, having done good deeds, for them are high ranks -
And who comes to Him believing, he had made/did the correct/righteous deeds, so those, for them the stages/degrees the high/elevated
As for the one who come backs to Him as a believer with the accomplished good deeds, he will find himself among those who have received high ranks
And the one who presents himself as a believer before Him, having done good deeds - so for them are the high ranks
But he who comes to him a believer, having done good deeds, for such are the highest ranks
And whoever comes to His presence as a believer (and) has (also) done good deeds, it is they for whom are high ranks
But those who come to Him as believers, having done deeds of righteousness, there await them, indeed, exalted ranks
But whoever comes to Him (Allah) as a believer (in the Oneness of Allah, etc.), and has done righteous good deeds, for such are the high ranks (in the Hereafter)
And whoso comes unto Him a believer having done deeds of righteousness, those -- for them await the most sublime degrees
But whoever shall appear before him, having been a true believer, and shall have worked righteousness, for these are prepared the highest degrees of happiness
But he who comes to Him a believer who has done aright - these, for them are the highest ranks,
But he who shall come before Him, a believer, with righteous works, - these! the loftiest grades await them
But they that come before Him with true faith, having done good works, shall be exalted to the highest ranks
But whosoever comes to Him as a believer and has done the righteous deeds indeed for them would be the ranks most high.
But whosoever comes before Him as a Monotheist, having done righteous deeds, for such shall be the highest degrees:
And whoever comes to Him as a believer who does good work, for them are the highest stages.
Those who come to Him as believers having worked righteousness will join exalted ranks.
But whoever comes to Him as a believer, having done righteous deeds, then for those are the highest degrees (of rank):
Whoever comes to Him as a believer has performed honorable deeds; those will have the highest ranks,
And whoever comes to Him as a believer already has worked the righteous deeds, so for those are the highest degrees.
But he who shall appear before Him as a believer, having done righteous deeds, shall be exalted to the highest ranks,
But he who comes to Him as a believer and as one who has fulfilled the requirements of his faith, the highest ranks shall be for them.
And whoever comes to Him a believer (and) he has done righteous deeds, for such are the most sublime degrees
Whereas he who presents himself then with a heart impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues and deeds with wisdom and piety shall he and such persons be rewarded with the highest and most dignified places in the social scale of life Hereafter
And whoever comes to Him as a believer having done righteous works, then those are the persons for whom there are high ranks,
And he who comes to Him a believer verily, He did good works, then those, for them are the high ranks,
But such as come to Him as Believers who have worked righteous deeds,- for them are ranks exalted,
But whoever comes to Him (as) a believer verily, he has done the righteous deeds, then those for them (will be) the ranks, [the] high
Waman ya/tihi mu/minan qad AAamila alssalihati faola-ika lahumu alddarajatu alAAula
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